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Routing Rotterdam;

research & design of sporting routes

In Rotterdam, 37% of the population sometimes runs fast and 14% sometimes uses a racing bike; the largest sports facility in the city is not the Kuip, but the city itself. And yet there is still no picture of how the runner and racing cyclists use the city. Are the attractive routes in Rotterdam being found?  We collected public data from more than 100,000 running activities and 30,000 recreational/sports cycling activities via the Endomondo app, and mapped the active use of the city. Based on this, we made various proposals to better shape the movement routes of the city.






To run; 


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Download Link 'pocket version' Track-Landscapes


Client: Municipality of Rotterdam


Date trajectory: 2017-05 <-> 2017-12


Project status: Completed



Vroesenpark hardlopen rotterdam
Vroesenpark hardlopen rotterdam NL 2
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Vroesenpark hardlopen rotterdam NL 6
Vroesenpark hardlopen rotterdam NL 7
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Vroesenpark hardlopen rotterdam NL 9

To run;

Kralingse Bos

20180816_Rotterdam websiteslides kraling
20180816_Rotterdam websiteslides kraling
ruimtegebruik rotterdam voetgangers loopommetjes
20180816_Rotterdam websiteslides kraling
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Kralingse Bos looproutes paden
rotterdam kralingse bos voorstel routes
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looproutes naar kralingse bos rotterdam
20180816_Rotterdam websiteslides kraling
20180816_Rotterdam websiteslides kraling
loopvriendelijke stad rotterdam

To run; 

South Park

20180821_Rotterdam websiteslides Zuiderp
20180821_Rotterdam websiteslides Zuiderp
hardlooproutes zuiderpark rotterdam gebruik routes
20180821_Rotterdam websiteslides Zuiderp
hardloopgebruik routes en fijnstof luchtkwaliteit
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20180821_Rotterdam websiteslides Zuiderp
20180821_Rotterdam websiteslides Zuiderp
20180821_Rotterdam websiteslides Zuiderp
20180821_Rotterdam websiteslides Zuiderp

Recreational cycling; 

Rotterdam South

recreatieve routes rotterdam fietsdata appdata
recreatieve routes rotterdam in en buiten de stad
20180821_Rotterdam websiteslides fietsen
fietsdata appdata fietsroutes gebruik rotterdam
20180821_Rotterdam websiteslides fietsen
20180821_Rotterdam websiteslides fietsen
kansen recreatieve routes rotterdam
kansen recreatieve routes rotterdam
kansen recreatieve routes rotterdam
verbeterkansen recreatieve routes rotterdam track-landscapes
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